Golf is considered an expensive sport / Hobby.

I grew up loving all types of sports but Growing up I didn’t know anyone in my world that golfed so it wasn’t anything I thought of trying.

It wasn’t til my buddy took me to a 9 hole golf course for my 25th birthday that I realized I’ve been missing out on a whole other world. I was immediately hooked, The course I went to was on the East side of San Jose called Rancho Del Pueblo, originally Thunderbird 18 hole course before the transition to houses and now the 9 hole course. The price to play was super reasonable , so I seen no issue with continuing to learn and play

After that I started to hunt down golf clubs that I could use and try and keep playing the game. I remembered that local Goodwills would stock used golf clubs from the times I would go in looking for camping supplies but golf was never on the radar during those visits

I started buying up any club that was decent so I could try what worked best. Almost every club needed a new grip, some clubs had a good grip but a bent shaft, some heads were scratched up a lot and some clubs needed new ferrules or I wanted a certain shaft on a certain club head and That’s when I realized golf is expensive